
John G. Young, M.D. (jgyoungmd) is a multidisciplinary, multimedia artist, musician, poet, writer, painter and video creator/producer. Fascinated by new technology and chance connections, he combines paintings, photography, videos and digital art with his poetry and music into videos which are uploaded on youtube.com.  You are invited to view his multiple creative styles through hyperlinks to paintings, poetry, music, videos, books and articles he had written about the creative process and creative person.

This site is a new media/multimedia journal of a day’s creation. I feel most alive when I am creating.  Often I just name my creations by the date, such as 190505. I use the year, month, day system as it then becomes easier to rearrange pieces in order by date.

Art Works for Purchase

Art works are available for purchase at 257 Minorca Beach Way, # 308, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 by appointment (303-579-6565).  You may obtain

   John G. Young, M.D85

Curriculum Vitae

For a full curriculum vitae on jgyoungmd, go to https://jgyoungmd.net/2013/02/23/585/



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Associate Artist Alumni Exhibition

I was recently selected to exhibit at the Associate Artist Alumni Exhibition of the Atlantic Center for the Arts in New Smyrna Beach, Fl.

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Update January 2023

Now over 300 pieces of music in the top 50 category of www.soundclick.com/jgyoungmd. Many new videos on my new site www.youtube.com/@jgyoungmdaic. Working with Alex Heppelmann, composer learning to compose using Dorico software. Still in happy relationship with Jody.

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Update September 1, 2021

Since my last post I have created 1061 pieces of music with 174 in the top 50 at www.soundclick.com/jgyoungmd. The last one, 210828c, peaked at #11 in the classical category of which there are 43,972 tracks.

Also I was chosen to present a multimedia short, 210708 Sunrise on a Crazy Day, https://youtu.be/pfCFYwgytrI, at the Reel Deal Film Festival in New Symrna Beach, FL. September 30. This video was chosen from 43 countries and 46 states.

Youtube now has all my new video uploads at my gmail address, since I no longer use my hotmail address. New videos can be found at https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=john+g.+young%2C+m.d.. I don’t know if there is a shorter address.

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2020 update

Since June of last year much has happened. I was selected to be a resident artist at the Atlantic Center for the Arts in poetry with Conelius Eady, the master artist/poet. There I created many poems that made it into my book, New Widower recently released bywww.lulu.com/jgyoungmd. Also I created several new poetry videos and one poetry/music video that can be seen at www.youtube.com/jgyoungmd

Since the residency I have focused on my music, creating 75 new works that can be heard at www.soundclick.com/jgyoungmd. There are now a total of 817 pieces available with one in the top 10 that was created at the Atlantic Center for the Arts. Another 77 are in the top 50 of their category.

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New Music on Soundclick.com

I just uploaded two new free improvisations on www.soundclick.com/jgyoungmd, 190505a and 190505b. It was good to get back to playing on my Kawai grand piano. There are now 715 different works there.

I record the music in stereo with my Note 8. I start and have no idea where the piece will go, just like a good conversation with a friend. I just listen to what is played and make a response. Enjoy

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Recent Videos on Youtube

I have added several music videos on youtube.com/jgyoungmd since the last post.

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Atlantic Center for the Arts

I was accepted to be an Associate Artist with the poet Cornelius Eady this June 2019. I plan to work on two books of poems I completed this past year, D: A Life of Courage and Love and New Widower. In all there are over 250 poems completed.

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Atlantic Center for the Arts submission

I recently applied to become an Associate Artist with the poet Cornelius Eady. These are the poems I  submitted.

Bum Rap
Expecting new vision
abrogating acclamation
I look, introspect
not knowing,
before the second coming
of my imagination,
broccoli spears
and kidney stones
peaches and pears,
the fruit of my imagination,
pursuing a furtive dynamic,
undertones sound
in the marrow of my bones.
new blood maybe,
but. . .
disturbed stones,
atonic tones,
my good wife’s
undeserved life,
(Multiple Shit, we call it),
stoned by
quantum’s general relativity,
particles and/or waves
absurd conundrum,
dark energy, dark matter,
No matter, it matters,
we matter
God’s asleep
on the Job
and/or playing dice*
with my wife’s life,
bet with the D/evil,
medieval times
dark ages,
my poor Jobena,
Life’s fuzzy logic.**

*Einstein: “God doesn’t play dice with the universe” or does he?
**Axiomatization of EVŁ stems from Łukasziewicz fuzzy logic. A generalization of classical Gödel completeness theorem is provable in EVŁ.(Wikipedia)



This video poem is presented by our dog, Sophie. The pun of dog and doggerel is intentional. This animated poem is from a 75 minute video Word Salad that won the Accolade award.

“What would it be like
to lead a dog’s life
and not know
you lead a dog’s life?
I do.

I had over-parked my time
with wretched rhymes
and jingle-jangle lines.
My metered mind
had run out of nickels,
so I began to write free verse.
I moved to assonance
and dissonance,
from passonance to pissonance
and found myself
the dog’s delight.”


Alcoholism in n-Dimensions

Alcoholism in n-dimensions, a concrete poem in multiple topographical dimensions, inspired by e. e. cummings [from the award-winning video, The Creative Adventure]

Although typographically you might think I was drunk when I wrote this poem, I was
quite sober. I had been reading the poems of e. e. cummings and was paying attention to
his use of punctuation. I saw that, by using punctuation in a creative way, there might be
more that could be said in a poem. Unlike e. e. cummings, however, I did not use the
punctuation randomly, but indicated my discoveries taking the punctuation a step
further. In contrast to multiple meanings coming from the suggestiveness of metaphor
in ordinary poetry, this concrete poem takes the issues of alcoholism concretely and
multiple meanings in a concrete way. When drunk the alcoholic is a very concrete

But there is more than just the typographical dimension of drunkenness. When I looked
deeper into the problems of a person addicted to alcohol and into this poem, I begin to
see much between the rhyme/lines. For example, by looking within single words I found
the letters of other words or by making simple changes of a letter or two, I discovered in
new words that also were references to the alcoholic experience, thus “Alcoholism in

He drank his breakfast, lunch and supper,
And in between times as a pick-me-upper.
He told her often he was gonna stop,
But between thee and me he lied a lot.
{You could easily tell, sometimes
By reading in-between the lines.}

There is more implied from this simple poem than the [hic(cuping)], the typographic
drunkedness. Look at the italics and between the brackets and the parentheses and
follow the under-linings. You will find other behavior that is often hidden from view.
Thus you may see the self-disgust [I reek (vomiting??) as I ween, I’m a sap, ick = me],
orality [cf. wean from the bottle vs. ween or imagine], narcissism [I, I, I, he ied a lot.],
the hostile dependency [he told her off], the self-deception [I tell o’ me], and the
duplicity [he lied a lot]. Following the under-linings there are other suggested words you
can find [I ween (I imagine) the ire, the urn, the ark, the art, the orb.] You might think
of other three letter words with “r” in the middle that refer to the alcoholic experience,
thus n-Dimensions.
“Ankh” is the Egyptian symbol of life; so the hidden poem, following the under-linings,
what is underneath, the ultimate tragedy of the alcoholic, is

Ankh Is As Unchained,
As He In Gin,
Ween(s)[archaic: conceives, imagines] the error [err]
Before [ere]
This discovered poem underlines the tragedy of the alcoholic who is aware of his
self-imprisonment, and wants to wean from the bottle, and realizes that life is freedom
from addiction.
By going deeper we can discover and create a better life.

Check, Mate*

We don’t own our children, we rent them. –after Kahil Gibran
No mere
groping for
No mere
wor(l)d play.
Pregnant within
this aborted poem
is (to be or not to be)
the question.
As we wrestle
with this
what choice
(to have or have not)
is t(here?
Early endgame,
Fool’s Mate.
Ripped, torn,
never born.
Contra love,
against conception.
More is less,
less is more,
or less
No)w love lost.
Bishop rants,
“You lose
the right
to choose,”
Slanted, straight,
can’t move
off his col(la/o)r.
“Be fruitful and multiply.”
Beginning and end?
“No room in the inn”
for Malthus.
Can’t stay in
y(our ivory tower,
rooked at the end
of the universe.
Sooner or later
Renting earth.
Rats gnaw rats
in crowded cages,
playing out
this long, crooked
of earth’s demise.
Love to eat, hate to kill.
Where’s the fatted calf?
Slim waist land.
T.ough S.hit Elliott!
Mere pawns,
stumble forward,
ready for sacrifice.
Or queen status,
to mate the king,
like praying mantis.
Hail, Mary, mother of God
knows what,
lend us your ear
to conceive
a better decision.
Not so black and white,
this chessboard of life.
Ripped, torn,
to mourn.
I see you (check)
early of late.
You used to be (check)
behind before,
But now
you’re first
at last (mate)
Check, mate,
before you put it in, Finnegan,
wake up.
No shroud
of m(i/y)s(t)ery.
not contra life.
A mater(n/i)al thing.
gonna pay
the rent
in the fabric
of our
l(i/o)ving choices?

*previously published in Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy, 2011

Gift Rapt

tough negotiating rapture
mishap flows
in troubled waters
John foreshows
rapt attention
grand inquisitor
rap rap rap
tapping at my chamber door
tap tap tap
while I was napping,
and so gently
you came rapping,
thirty pieces of silver
entrapped in
dark nights of souls
existential crisis
with the new Isis

no more pap
just more woes
Judas snapped
bastardized to arise
identified with a kiss
who knows
he glows
gift wrapped
guised rapture
in swaddling clothes.

This  poem mentions ISIS several years before the group was formed!


Shopping for jewels


Visitors rarely visit,
disability being too chronic
for contemporary tastes,
so you venture out
in your wheelchair
dressed in pink
with a white
bandanna wrapped hat
to the outdoor market
looking for gems
of conversation
among the vendors
while others look on.
She says, “They stole
several pieces,
do it in groups,
one distracts,
others remove jewelry.”
You muse ,”No longer
come in groups,
MS took my peace,
distracted me from living.
I want to steal my life back.”


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New Videos

New Video

This past month has been particularly creative for me here in New Smyrna Beach. One because I have my Kawai grand piano again and the beautiful surroundings of NSB. The videos range from simple scenery to image experiments, the music from simple free improv on the piano to more complex two keyboard improvisations with added composition. Sometimes the music compliments the moving graphic images in similar time and at other times works contrapuntally to the images. At time the images may be more static to get the listener to focus on the music. At other times the moving images are the focus.

190101 Happy New Year


New media abstract music video with free improv piano music. The images develop a contrapuntal rhythm to the slower music.

Surfing NSB


I was surfing on the waveforms of my new Seaboard Rise when I decided to video surfing outside off my balcony. New Smyrna Beach is one of the top surfing communities in the USA. The music incorporates the randomness of the waves with the aleatoric mashups of movements through various chromatic keys.

181228 Piano Improv


Piano free improv with abstract moving graphic images

Buddhist Xmas NSB 2018


I woke to a moonrise, a sunrise and a new painting I had recently completed, then walked the Smyrna Dunes boardwalk with my cellphone outside my condo. It was a Buddhist Christmas, quiet and meditative. The music was a simple piano free improv.

Like Glass 181223


This somewhat frenetic piece reminded me of the music of Phillip Glass. The images also might relate with glasslike moving abstract fragments. Probably too much coffee.



Free improv piano music set to abstract images from laptop, cellphone and a new painting. The music explores half tone separations using different keys and rhythms. The images contrast smooth vs textured surfaces. Action at the edges are as important as what is in the center.

181216 Sunday Morning Reverie


I woke this morning and improvised this piano piece. It set the mood for the day. The images were from screen shots of an earlier video merged together.



You wanted space. Here it is with music

Arts on Douglas 181129


Stopped at Arts on Douglas yesterday and created music and video today all on my Note 8


Art Week Miami 2018

People: Art Basel Miami 2018


Music video of people at Art Basel Miami 2018 and the surprises around the corner.

Outside Art Miami 2018


Free piano improv to cellphone video of people relaxing outside one of the Art Miami Week 2018 shows on the bay. It was a beautiful day in Miami. I plan to go there next year.

The Atlantic with 181211


Simple music video with improvised piano music and the blue-green Atlantic ocean videotaped in Miami at Art Week Miami

Live Videotape

More recently I have videotaped my piano playing. It is interesting to get visual feedback on how you are playing as well as what you have played (audio recording).

199194 free improv




Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Digitial Art, jgyoungmd, Multimedia, Music, Paintings, Video | Comments Off on New Videos

New Videos Since Art Basel Miami 2018


Since returning from Art Miami 2018 I have created several videos on YouTube, check them out.


People: Art Basel Miami 2018



The Atlantic with 181211



Outside Art Miami 2018




Also I have been adding some other music videos:





181216 Sunday Morning Reverie




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