Around the Subject I and II

[More on “The Fall,” MS, and falling]

round and round, 
summer, fall, winter, 
around the rosy) 

poets recycle
(pocket full of posy)
life and dea[r]th
no period 
at the end

my men(o)pause
no periods
no point
(ashes, ashes)

stuck, depthless
on a [M]obius [S]trip mall,
can’t buy a ride
to the other side
twisted fate

pain, suffering 
well, then not
well, then not
then not

what’s the point?
diminished dimensions

(we all fall down)

Around The Subject II

(Ring around the not so rosy) 
Dust to dust,
dawn to dusk,
then night falls

Follow the dots here . . .
(Pocket full of prosy)
Around this subject
silent, but not pointless,
the paradoxical point . . .
being without dimensions,
which is the point
of our Being, 
being Non-being,
(ashen, ashen) 
for (we all fall down)

Ankhthe Egyptian symbol of life

{Can’t connect the dots here .!
Round and round
upside down

Have to go to T
 drink it all in}

Ankh with Mobius Strip and T

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