What is T?


What is T?
T.S. Elliot’s first name
but no waste land?
A drink, a ceremony, 
a time of contemplation?
A shirt to wear with jeans?

What is T
Two lines at cross purposes?
A cover for Ph.D.s 
arguing two angles,
both of them right?

It’s a paradox.
Both sides necessary,
no mobius

strip TTTTTTTTTT here,

no applause 
with one hand clapping.

What is T?
A man without a head? 
(rue that thought)
The base of ankh
the circle of life

or just a ghost?

What about this host, with
arms reaching 
to hold us ?

What is T?
Absolute Temperature, 
tritium, octodecimo, triton
the meridian angle or the time remaining?

Which angle is right
when art is
A. more, or B. less 
True to life? 

Don’t be T‘d off
T up, Try it out.
Take a chance 
on T.

T(rue, that thought)

Time out.

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  1. Pingback: Tea | jgyoungmd

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