Father’s Day: The Mantis Rag

I’m losing my head over you.

Just what am I gonna do

praying the mantis rag?


I’m losing my head over you.

Gonna get bled over you,

doing that dance of death.


Time to say adieu.

Gone are the years shed

for my heirs over you.


Who said dread?

Thought that you knew,

was too good to be true.


Dead, giving a head,

going ahead, over you.

Unequal to the task,

we need to review.


Was fun in the chase.

Unaware of affairs.

Thought we were mates.


Why must you ask

how many tears

I’ve shed over you?


Too close an embrace

in that marital bed

to view signs of your designs

I misread over you.


Just in case, I would ask,

Any volunteers

to take my place?”


What a drag doing

the praying mantis rag.

[I’m so over you.]


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