What is T?

T.S. Elliot’s first name
but no waste land?
A drink, a ceremony,
a time of contemplation?
A shirt to wear with jeans?

What is T

Two lines at cross purposes?

A cover for Ph.D.s
arguing two angles,
both of them right?

It’s a paradox.
Both sides necessary,
no mobius strip

moibus teaankh1

What is T?
A man without a head?
(rue that thought) 


The base of ankh
supporting the circle of life

or just a ghost?

What about this host, with
arms reaching
to hold us ?

What is T?
Absolute Temperature,
tritium, octodecimo, triton,
the meridian angle or the time remaining?

Which angle is rightmorelesstrue copy

when art is 
A more or B less
True to life?



Don’t be T‘d off
T up, Try it out.
Take a chance
on T.moreorlesstrue

T(rue, that thought)


Time out. 
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  1. Pingback: The Tragic Comedy of Zen – jgyoungmd

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