Videos from 1709 Hillside Rd. Boulder, CO

1709 Hillside from belowDSCN0979

The home at 1709 Hillside Rd. in Boulder, CO is a rare waterfront property with water views from every room of the house.  The home sits high above Boulder Creek with no flood damage from the recent “500 year flood.” Sold

1709 Hillside Rd is a quiet oasis right at the edge of the University of Colorado campus,  has the longest home frontage on Boulder Creek and sits across from a city park. 

Being in the center of Boulder, it is an easy walking distance from 1709 Hillside Rd.  to Boulder Creek Path,  Macky Auditorium, CU Library,  Folsum Football Field, Boulder’s Farmer’s Market, Boulder Library, the Pearl Street Mall, the Boulder Contemporary Art Museum, Dushanbe Teahouse and many upscale restaurants.

I created these multimedia videos there in the home and on the grounds and the surrounding areas and posted them on  Some are music videos, some poetry videos. I just added a new video of the grounds around 1709 Hillside Rd and a new one of a heron that checked out the property.

1709 Hillside Rd and Boulder Creek

Heron at 1709 Hillside
Concerto with Foxes, Deer and Other Wild Ones 1 and 2 [5:42]

Concerto with Foxes, Deer and Other Wild Ones Parts 3,4, and 5 [7:00]

Snow Garden [7:17]

130422 Record Snow in Boulder, CO [3:39]

Guard Dog: Sophie and the Deer [1:23]

Earthworks Art: A Performance Piece [1:44]

Breath of Peonies [7:03][Flowers in our garden]

Colorblind [10:00[Flowers from our garden]

Life is Short [4:56]

Just Looking [3:57]

Post-it [1:31][Done on our deck]]

110828 Boulder Creek Path [3:48] [Taken with a telescopic lens from my living room at 1709 Hillside Rd.

Clouds [4:14] (Done from our deck])

Spring Ghosts [4:12]

Like cats and dogs [0:39]

Breathing Earth [1:49] (Shot from my skychair}

Sing Along [0:47]

Poems at an Exhibition [50 min.]

Very Close By 

Being in the center of Boulder, it is an easy walking distance from 1709 Hillside Rd. Boulder, CO to Boulder Creek Path,  Macky Auditorium, CU Library,  Folsum Football Field, Boulder’s Farmer’s Market, Boulder Library and Dushanbe Teahouse where the following videos were created:

Gift Rapt: Art and Poetry of John G. Young, M.D. [14.59]  [shot at my solo exhibition at Macky Auditorium]

Installation at Boulder Creek [7:04]

Riffs 120509 [3:55](on the Boulder Mall)

Outside Dushanbe Teahouse [1:38]

The Wandering Eye [3:10]  (Taken at the Farmer’s Market a short walk from home)

To Eben Fine [1:07]

Walking, Talking and (two endings) [3:35] (Taken at the Farmer’s Market a short walk from home)

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