Adventures in Creativity


Making the Impossible Possible

Adventures in Creativity develops the creative/innovative potential and the psychological wellness of individuals and organizations. We have many projects and programs going on at various stages of development.  To assist you we have many books, e-books,  and workshops on creating.  John G. Young, M.D. is available as a creative coach.  The Creative Adventure is a two-hour award winning video that is now available at and on DVD. To start your creative adventures, follow the multiplehyperlinks to category posts on videos, books, essays, images, poetry, music, inventions, workshops.

Links to recent posts of Adventures in Creativity

John G. Young, M.D., President of Adventures in Creativity, has retired from the practice of psychiatry. He continues as a professional speaker and consultant on creativity, innovation and change. With a long interest in the cognitive and emotional factors of creativity and wellness, he now creates full-time and coaches others to be more creative.