Category Archives: Adventures in Creativity

Ballad of Joe and Mary

(See below) . . . . . . . . [from the award-winning video, The Creative Adventure]

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Invitation (score) by jgyoungmd

(see below). . . . . . . . .

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Psychological wellness in individuals and organizations occurs when you stop applying yesterday’s solutions to today’s problems. Creative/innovative thinking results in better problem solving abilities that enhance your productivity, decreases stress and helps you avoid future shocks. What is your understanding … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity | Comments Off on CREATIVITY SELF-ASSESSMENT John G. Young, M.D.

INVITATION John G. Young, M.D.

Come, sail with me into the new wind. Approach its source and put your now board down, resisting that push that would send you leeward, letting time carry you into the past. Hold fast, trim in your sheets. Give shape … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Music, Video | Comments Off on INVITATION John G. Young, M.D.


GENESIS When I think of origins, I recall my grandfather, a fundamentalist minister. He did not see the Genesis story as myth, but as literal truth. Though as a youngster I dared not argue with him, I often thought about … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Digitial Art | Comments Off on CREATIVE BEGINNINGS* by John G. Young, M.D.


1. If you think you are creative, chances are you’re right. 2. Your history of creative accomplishments, even more than “creativity test” scores, tends to indicate how creative you will be in the future. 3. If you want to be … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity | Comments Off on CREATIVITY SELF-ASSESSMENT ANSWERS John G. Young, M.D.

Blind Spots*

    When we take the blinders off, we can see what is in front of us. Sometimes we have to get out of our own way to see what is ahead. The therapist, for example, in trying to help … Continue reading

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What Is Creativity* John G. Young, M.D.

As a psychiatrist interested in the field of creativity, I am often asked, “Well, just what is it?” Though the honorific term “creative” implies several things, it is difficult to come up with precise definition. The word “creativity” derives from … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity | Comments Off on What Is Creativity* John G. Young, M.D.

Graphics (jgyoungmd)

AHA Making the Impossible Possible   MASKS Sometimes it is fun to play with masks to see what movement and cover-up combined produce Out of Winter

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Watercolor Seascapes (jgyoungmd)

This gallery contains 1 photo.

DREAM RACE In sailboat racing the one who gains the advantage is the one who knows how to sail into the new wind. Without your centerboard down and your sails adequately trimmed, you drift to the bottom of the fleet. … Continue reading

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