Category Archives: Poetry


  A cock and a cat met at a waterhole. They came for drink, not I think, to philosophize or save their souls.

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Baggage Claim

They met in baggage claim. To be sure, they had baggage, he, two prior marriages, she, an abusive one.   It took some time for the bell to ring so they talked and talked– he from Arcadia she from Boulder. … Continue reading

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Breathing Earth

This existential video poem was created in our backyard. I created a similar music video several years ago probably one of my most beautiful music improvisations

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Lady and the Tiger

“should he be proved innocent” The Lady, or the Tiger by Frank R. Stockton   Watch out Captured by a lady bug crawling up her arm, she did not hear my approach on the narrow sidewalk till her mother called … Continue reading

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Without Hearing

listening without hearing sound mouthed words in kangaroo courts of public opinion license to steal metal of meaning music of numbed gleanings in worlds deaf sightings fingers dancing misunderstandings careening across walls shadows of sense vultures picking the carcass of … Continue reading

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The Red Wheelbarrow Revisited

cf. The Red Wheelbarrow  by William Carlos Williams so much depends upon  a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water  beside the white chickens.  * So much depends upon the red wheelbarrow purchased at McGuckin’s spring tent sale,   Diane long … Continue reading

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Rock a Bye

And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. (LUKE 9:58) Two mallards one in bright bishop display, the other in safety … Continue reading

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Waiting a left turn into a traffic of unending obligations, I see the future past many times before I met you, before we meet again, down that white path passing through the unnatural crevasse to await your inspection, you doctor … Continue reading

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Drafts* of orange sunrise,   yet no north- eastern orb   to light long shadows through bare trees.   Apple blossoms still, no chorus of songbirds   or Johnnie one-notes morse-coding messages,   as early risers, draftees of the new … Continue reading

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  Bandits lumber across my roof, steal my sleep under cover of darkness   I see their dark eyes behind black masks. Will they again make a thieves’ den in our attic, wild within the belly of our home, escape … Continue reading

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