Category Archives: Poetry

Triple Portrait

 Painting adapting a photo in a pharmaceutical ad It swirls around him, weighs upon his brain, squashes hope, psychic tumor grows like a ball of string tied in a thousand knots, wound by wounds, no single catastrophe, but wave upon … Continue reading

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The day was sunny and clear, The winds were calm, The pilot inexperienced, As we flew from Centennial Airport To the tiny airport at Fort Lyons. From the sky we could see Farmer’s fields with irrigation ditches Surrounding the short … Continue reading

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  Narcissus so saw his reflection in the pool that he, like Oedipus, lost sight of himself

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Falling Upward

Our choices give us voices Or we babble with the brook. Though with guilt for blood spilt, We must see; we can’t just look.  

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After After the Fall*

  Jean-Baptiste, judge un-penitent, Tied are we to your covenant. Like mariner with wedding guest, You cleave us to y(our soul’s unrest. Our negative spaces, where water, now land. Seduced by your traces, we’re Amsterdammed. *by Albert Camus * Doublet{s[(I)n]} … Continue reading

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Dog’s Life

What would it be like to lead a dog’s life and not know you lead a dog’s life? Dogs do.

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  [Written last year] He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. (MATTH 10:39 From 1991 when everything seemed possible to 2112 when nothing is everything. Now 2002 … Continue reading

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How now the brown cow that boogies with the moon? The cat in the field scratches the grass and stokes the grey mare to water the grass. How now know what cannons know and where are the dreams that set … Continue reading

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Digital Sonnet

Posted in Digitial Art, Poetry | Tagged | Comments Off on Digital Sonnet


While poets write surface words paradoxically penet/rating consciousness where feelings go deep, I blow a/part language, words and syntax, with p(h/r)oton guns, accelerated with sl/ashes and paren(theses into elemental particles, underlining letters, hidden meaning, qua(i/r)ks, strange associations, new, clear spin, … Continue reading

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