Words, words, words

Now it is so easy

to put words, images, sound

out there,

there are now more writers

than readers. [fact]

Who/what are we writing for?

Write to find out what is right

or to maintain what is wrong–

what right is that?

Words, words, words,

If everyone with a thought

picture, photo, sound–

journals in the new media

Where is the art?

Copy and paste–

What’s the difference from plagiarism?

He swallowed me whole
Then wondered why
He has
a stomach ache.

Where’s the beef?

Is it too small
or not small enough

to digest
into your own?

The Trashcan School of Art:
Garbage in, garbage out.
Can you make a sow’s ear
into a silk purse?

J.H.Poincare (1854-1912), (cited in H.E.Huntley, The
Divine Proportion
, Dover, 1970)
The mathematician does not study pure
mathematics because it is useful; he studies it because he
delights in it because it is beautiful

See more of my art at Best of Colorado Art Festival Sept 17 and 18, 2006  North side of Canyon at 10th Street in downtown Boulder, CO

What happened to

aesthetics in contemporary art?

Is the beautiful dead?

What happens when the concept

is more important

than the object conceited?

Is it just the conceit

of the author?

Maybe what we need
is less words.

Digital Sonnet 2001
John G. Young

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