Installation at Boulder Creek

This new video short, Instillation at Boulder Creek, is greatly influenced by some of the classes I am auditing at the University of Colorado. I made it anticipating my Energy Show along with 2 other artists at the St. John’s Art Gallery this November and December.

Mark Amerika:
Time varies–it is speeded up, slowed down and reversed, as joggers and bikers run the creek path. Images are connected like the individuals followed in the movie, “Slacker”

Jim Palmer:
The Jungian influence of the shadow and the negative space as well as a subtle spinning rose mandala. Water the symbol of the collective unconscious. The male runner moves toward his anima shadow. The heroic size of the images suggests the hero’s quest. But you can’t help ignore the Freudian Cali Lily implication of sexuality.

Dan Boord:
Notice little things especially the pigeons in the last scene. The ABCA’ form of the music, the subtle repeats. The participation in the video of the artist, the dance of the installer.

Julie Murray:
The poetic association of the images.

Don Yannacito: Speeding up and slowing down the pace, repetition of images, poetic association of images. Extreme close-ups so the source is not easily identified.

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