Monthly Archives: March 2007

Homage to Brakhage

Inspired by the recent Brakhage symposium at the University of Colorado. The music was improvised on the day the video was made. Probably in homage to Brakhage, the video should have been silent.

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Life is short

“Life is short. Art is long.” [Hippocrates c. 460 BC — c. 370 BC] This brief history and future of film/video spans the time of one piano improvisation played on June 3, 2006.

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Rapt, this video was prophetic in ways I can’t understand this Easter. Moving from rap to rapture, across the rapids of troubled waters to a new kind of calm. In this video the music was improvised on two keyboards using … Continue reading

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Negotiating Rapture

You may be familiar with Martin Buber’s “I and Thou.” Though I am not a religious person, what he says rings true to me. He says we experience the transcendent through the I-Thou relationship. Most understand the Thou as being … Continue reading

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This video project was stimulated by a recent trip to the Denver Art Museum’s new Hamilton addition. Those who go there might also be interested in an article in Brain magazine: Visual vertigo: symptom assessment, spatial orientation and postural control

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Show in Chicago jgyoungmd

This tongue-in-cheek project on a visit to Chicago evolves into a bold dream sequence. Seen from the 37th floor where Lake Michigan meets the river, this video poem is based upon the poetry of Carl Sandburg’s “Chicago” and the works … Continue reading

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Slice Four

One more slice with variation. See the earlier slices

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Slice Five

This is the culmination of the slice series. Enjoy

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Slice Three

This is a third slice of many sections pushing the computer to its limits. [see also slice one and two]

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This video shows the manifold styles of Dr. Young’s artwork done before 2006 with his music in the background

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