Monthly Archives: March 2007


Cabo is a video poem about being handicapped in paradise and rising above it. It compliments the video Poems at an Exhibition about the same theme.

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Cage Color Three

This is the third of the graphic responses to my free piano improv

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Cage Color One

This music video is based upon a free piano improv that I did on February 4th, 2007. The random but controlled [John]Cage-like graphic response followed. Even Cagier the music is not programed randomness but the color response is.

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Cage Color Two

This piano improv music video continues Cage Color One.

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new age music video improvisation with abstract animation all created on February 20, 2007.

Posted in Animations, Collage, Digitial Art, Music, Photography, Video | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on 070220

Crime Scene: video animation, jgyoungmd

This humorous video sketch evolved from watching too much CSI.

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Just Looking

Video, music, animation created all on March 1, 2007

Posted in 1709 Hillside Rd, Adventures in Creativity, Animations, Music, Video | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Just Looking

Begin Again

Sometimes starting over is the best thing you can do

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Many New Videos on YouTube

Since last time I have added several new video shorts. The major addition is animation as I explore new ways of graphic movement in art. BeginThis abstract animation was suggested by the free improvisation of the music I created. To … Continue reading

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