Live Green

Live Green is a trip through a green Earthday poster, a poem with improvised piano music, video and graphics that suggest ways we can live green and love mother earth.  Winner at the REI film festival in Boulder, CO

Live Green
Love Mother Earth

As father sun to mother earth
let y/our light shine
on unconscious seas,
warm but not too warm.

Time to kiss
is running out
if we miss
the chance to change.

Reach across the fault lines
of our fractured world

To Venus, goddess of love,
nurturer of peace,
Aphrodite, goddess of the dawn
born of the sea,
now hug-impaired
in our wounded world,

Awake from the night-
commit to a new dream.
Spring forth, be re-born.

Live green
Love mother earth

• Reduce, re-use, recycle
• Bring your own bags to the grocery store
• Buy locally
• Take the bus, train, or walk or ride your bike
• Buy bamboo or sustainable wood products
• Turn off the lights when you leave the room
• Eat more veggies
• Trader, barter or buy used/vintage Leave only footprints when you travel
• Turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth, wash your hands or wash the dishes
• Unplug electronics when you’re not using them
• Use green cleaners
• Drive a hybrid
• Put up a clothes line
• Print on both sides of the paper
• Don’t use pesticides
• Eat what’s in season
• Unload your trunk, the lighter the load, the less gas your car consumes
• Bring your mug to your favorite coffee house
• Pay bills online
• Fix leaky faucets
• Upgrade your toilet to a low-flush model
• Plant a garden
• Compost
• Buy or borrow pre-used moving boxes
• Re-cycle, buy recycled materials
• Buy low-VOC paint and donate the leftovers
• Buy fair trade
• Use natural fragrances
• Carpool • Buy organic food and beauty products
• Use cloth napkins
• Replace lightbulbs with halogen bulbs (recycle halogen bulbs)
• Stop idling your car
• Use rechargeable batteries
• Use reusable containers for lunch and reuse your Ziploc bags
• Take your exercise outdoor
• Buy things that will last
• Give your car a tune up — it will drive more efficiently
• Pick up litter
• Vote for change
• Join a food co-op
• Bring your own bottle of water
• Buy recycled toilet paper

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