Monthly Archives: March 2013

Innovation in Psychiatry Practices

I am now retired, but when I moved to Boulder CO in 1997, I changed my practice so that I could be more efficient and effective. “I changed from writing notes in the chair, to touch typing at the computer … Continue reading

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   Rear view mirrors are wonderful for seeing how close cars are behind you. But they can be a serious hazard. I often think car companies can’t see the forest for the trees. Because I am tall, the standard location of the … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Digitial Art, Inventions, Poetry | 1 Comment

Back to Logic

I decided to go back to Logic and create some polyphonic music (130307b). Check it out at There are now over 475 pieces of original music on that site.

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This music video, 130305, I did today, March 5, 2013, playing around with images created with  different apps on my cellphone. The music was also improvised and recorded on my Note 2.

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Color Juggling

Sometimes I play with concepts as I did in this conceptual art piece. This concrete poetry–fun with letters and concepts first appeared in my video, The Creative Adventure.

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130301 Music for March

This music improv was recorded placing my note2 on the grand piano. The images and video also were done on the cell phone. What a wonderful age for creating.  

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