Monthly Archives: April 2013

New Video Organization at

I have totally rearranged my video site of 130 videos into more usable categories so you can go directly to stuff you like Recent Uploads, Popular Uploads, Features Videos, Music, Poetry, Paintings, Animations, Digital Art. There is some overlap but … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Animations, Digitial Art, Multimedia, Music, Paintings, Poetry, Video | Comments Off on New Video Organization at

130422 Record Snow in Boulder, CO

Boulder, Colorado has had record snow this April, more than we had all winter. I caught this video a hand held camera. The dual keyboard free improv multi-instrument piece was done on 130422.

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I uploaded a new music piece, 130419, yesterday on It was so much fun creating. Listen with head phones to best appreciate the spacial dimension of the music. I created it beginning by improvising on two keyboards simultaneously. Then … Continue reading

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I have decided to make more music videos to show on YouTube:

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sometimes magic happens when a magician pulls a rabbit out of a hat or makes a lady disappear sometimes magic happens such that you wonder what’s next and he pulls a coin from behind your ear sometimes magic happens when … Continue reading

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Ancient Math jgyoungmd

Zeno no, no you can’t go there. Achilles can’t catch that Tortoise, from one point to the other, “that which has no part” [the point is no point] no, nothing, zero mere place holder, zero times infinity, still zero, Zeno, … Continue reading

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Icarus, the Elder

Labyrinth jgyoungmd Icarus, now 72, flying in his head to some distant star twilight years away from callow youth looking to find the edges of t/his multi-verse before plunging into that unconscious sea, like his father Daedalus who fashioned 
his ascent, … Continue reading

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pony up

I took my erroneous pony to the tire store two tired to buy another phony war pitched battle of broken words towering babble misrepresenting why I went there, mistook alimony for matrimony, misspoken for mistaken, palimony for patrimony, tough in … Continue reading

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New Music 130413c

Got back into creating music. 130413c is an edited free improv work. Go to to listen to this and 478 other original pieces of music I have created. This song made the charts today   130413c # 88 in … Continue reading

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Alcoholism in n-Dimensions

[from the award-winning video, The Creative Adventure] Although typographically you might think I was drunk when I wrote this poem, I was quite sober. I had been reading the poems of e. e. cummings and was paying attention to his use … Continue reading

Posted in Digitial Art, Poetry, Psychiatry | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment