Path not taken, taken

Some recent poems are taking the path not taken. I have been writing new poems, broken moon, mining, trying to dig deeper into random sets of words that pop into consciousness. I take the sets of words that surprise me in some way.   Rather than  having a idea I want to conceptualize in poetic form, creating a pretty picture, a profound contrast, a new image, or images, or sound poem, I see it more a trip down Frost’s “Road not Taken”.  I keep looking for surprising word combinations that happen down that path.

I have resolved to try to take that road not taken more often to experience what new adventures in my mind I might discover. It is more than wandering down my personal unconscious looking for pathology or hidden conflicts to resolve, as we do in psychoanalysis or even a trip to Jung’s Collective Unconscious, with its backward reflection on universal archetypes, but rather into our Creative Unconscious, discovering our possibilities both personally and collectively and bring them into being.

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