After After the Fall*


Jean-Baptiste, judge un-penitent,

Tied are we to your covenant.

Like mariner with wedding guest,

You cleave us to y(our soul’s unrest.

Our negative spaces, where water, now land.

Seduced by your traces, we’re Amsterdammed.

*by Albert Camus


Doublet{s[(I)n]} (Am)ster(dam’? **


** More After the Fall by Albert Camus (Doublets, Doubts, Sin in Amsterdam,–I am Dammed?)

“Fains” as in “obliged, constrained, compelled” per Webster’s Third New International Dictionary. 

Doublets is the name of the popular word puzzle invented by Lewis Carroll – now also known by a variety of other names: Word Ladders, Ladderwords, Stepwords, Word Chains, Laddergrams, Transitions, Transformations, etc.
Transform one word into another by changing a single letter in each step, so that each link in the chain is a valid word. For example, to change MORE into LESS with 3 links:

MORE, lore, lose, loss, LESS

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