Liberating Arts and Sciences

Between (H)eaven and (H)ell–
(O)nly the flask of poetry
can contain the chemistry
of my volatile, earthy emotions.

Catalysed by platinum
sparked by insight,
new wor(l)ds
form fr(om
the uni-verse
of po*etry
heat dissipates,
the void materializes

and I move from MT to T
and get flowing again

[Look, what solution can you expect
from a free radical?]



* “PO”, a word created by Edward de Bono in the book, Lateral Thinking, and found in the Oxford English Language Dictionary, is an alternative to either/or, yes/no, heaven/hell thinking. PO unlike NO is non-judgemental, non-rational, and introduces a pause to consider new alternatives. The word is derived from POetry, POssibility, supPOse. PO is provocative. It generates and re-arranges information in ways that do not usually occur. Through the use of PO one delays judgement on these new arrangements of information containingthat information long enough for new patterns to emerge. PO puts together unrelated things, holding them and allowing them to interact without premature evaluation. It allows the connection of random words to set off new ideas. PO even promotes going off in a “wrong” direction, looking to see where a “crazy” notion might lead, such as finding a new route to solutions through the backway. PO looks forward to possibility rather than backward to judgement based on prior assumptions, from why? to why not? PO acts as a non-sensical stimulus, a catalyst, to new connections and arrangements. It might even suggest Winnie the PO or Edgar Allen PO)e or Jackson POlluck. 
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