The Red Wheelbarrow Revisited

cf. The Red Wheelbarrow  by William Carlos Williams

so much depends


a red wheel


glazed with rain


 beside the white



So much depends upon

the red wheelbarrow purchased

at McGuckin’s spring tent sale,


Diane long wanted one

to move dirt and pots,

to plant her flowers, but


it came in a box of parts

with directions for assembly

in three languages:


Slotted Bolt for Tray Braces (Qty 2) or

Boulon pour protections avant (2 pieces) or

Perno para soporte del eje (cant.4)


Hex Nuts and Lock Washers

And 19 Pieces Detaches

On the Lista de piezas.


Read ALL instructions first.

Do not tighten nuts

Until you have completed


Assembly parts

[or you’ll be screwed]

Use force to pull


Leg Assembly outward,

[as all assembled parts

threaten to break apart.]


Finally add the wheel

Do not inflate beyond

Recommended tire pressure


Union Tools hereby warrants the product which you have purchased to be free from defects in materials or workmanship, unless used commercially for a period of ninety (90) days after purchase [besides, no guarantee of rain, flowers or chickens]

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