Monthly Archives: August 2013


  [Written last year] He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. (MATTH 10:39 From 1991 when everything seemed possible to 2112 when nothing is everything. Now 2002 … Continue reading

Posted in Poetry | Comments Off on Palindromes


How now the brown cow that boogies with the moon? The cat in the field scratches the grass and stokes the grey mare to water the grass. How now know what cannons know and where are the dreams that set … Continue reading

Posted in Poetry | Comments Off on Dreamsong*


Posted in Animations | Comments Off on Roseheart

Digital Sonnet

Posted in Digitial Art, Poetry | Tagged | Comments Off on Digital Sonnet


While poets write surface words paradoxically penet/rating consciousness where feelings go deep, I blow a/part language, words and syntax, with p(h/r)oton guns, accelerated with sl/ashes and paren(theses into elemental particles, underlining letters, hidden meaning, qua(i/r)ks, strange associations, new, clear spin, … Continue reading

Posted in Poetry | Comments Off on While

Check, Mate

Check, Mate* We don’t own our children, we rent them. –after Kahil Gibran No mere groping play)mate’s chess/t, groping for answers. No mere wor(l)d play. Pregnant within this aborted poem is (to be or not to be) the question. As … Continue reading

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Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Erased

Liberating Arts and Sciences

Between (H)eaven and (H)ell– (O)nly the flask of poetry can contain the chemistry of my volatile, earthy emotions. Catalysed by platinum metaphors, sparked by insight, [a BIG BANG, new wor(l)ds form fr(om the uni-verse of po*etry heat dissipates, the void … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Poetry | Comments Off on Liberating Arts and Sciences

Ring Around the Rosie, Another look

  Part 1 round and round, summer, fall, winter, sp(ring around the rosy) poets recycle (pocket full of posy) life and dea[r]th sentences– no period at the end my men(o)pause no periods no point (ashes, ashes) stuck, depthless on a … Continue reading

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What is T?

T.S. Elliot’s first name but no waste land? A drink, a ceremony, a time of contemplation? A shirt to wear with jeans? What is T?  Two lines at cross purposes? A cover for Ph.D.s arguing two angles, both of them right? … Continue reading

Posted in Animations, Digitial Art, Poetry | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment