Monthly Archives: August 2013


For us believing physicists the distinction between the past, the present, and the future is only an illusion–Albert Einstein Puzzle of physicists, real as negative numbers, a second chance, wonder of memory, yearning to return. but all is now t … Continue reading

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[This multimedia poem I had written several years ago and was up on which for some reason is down now, so I thought I would put it up on this site.  It derives from the video, The Creative Adventure … Continue reading

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The Tragic Comedy of Zen

Tea John G. Young, M.D. In the beginning was the word St John, the Divine In the beginning was the word(play st) john, the not so Divine   The teacher said, “That’s it.” But there’s more . . The T)ea)cher … Continue reading

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130818 Sonnet and Approach

Sonnet august 18 I wonder where I wandered before I came upon this sonnet of sixteen lines reminds me of updates complex answer to that question misplaced inside my head squandered much the same as sometimes replaced by jargon instead … Continue reading

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Cabin 9, Poem published in Kaleidoscope

I finally got my copy of Kaleidoscope, Number 65 with my poem, Cabin 9, on pg. 21.  The poem was written as part of the one man art show at the EllenKathyrn Gallery which can be seen on youtube, Poems at … Continue reading

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Outside the Dushanbe Teahouse

Wonderful innocence of childhood and other play at the Dushanbe Teahouse in Boulder CO with free improv piano music also recorded on my cellphone at the end of July 2013

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