“D”: A life of Courage and Love

Newly released ebook, “D” A life of Courage and Love, John G. Young, M.D. at  www.lulu.com/jgyoungmd.

D: A Life of Courage and Love

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D: A Life of Courage and LoveBy John G. Young, M.D.

eBook (ePub): $8.99

These poems, prose poems, epistolary poems, light verse, diary entries, vignettes and photos pose as a memoir of Diane’s courage and love. They add a final chapter to the saga of our life and Diane’s lifelong struggles and resilience especially with respect to multiple sclerosis and its consequences. They celebrate her life despite the odds against her.

These poems don’t pretend to be high art poetry but rather serve as ultrashort narratives. Writing them served as poetry therapy for me. The idioms of poetry writing and rewriting contain emotions so that they can be faced and grief worked through. The dark humor helped me to cope in a most difficult time. Diane’s stories function as a reminder that we do not live on an even playing field. Some are more challenged than others. Some are more unlucky than others. But Diane lived courageously despite all that came to her. I want to honor that and the love I feel for her still.

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