Author Archives:

Icarus, the Elder

Labyrinth jgyoungmd Icarus, now 72, flying in his head to some distant star twilight years away from callow youth looking to find the edges of t/his multi-verse before plunging into that unconscious sea, like his father Daedalus who fashioned 
his ascent, … Continue reading

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pony up

I took my erroneous pony to the tire store two tired to buy another phony war pitched battle of broken words towering babble misrepresenting why I went there, mistook alimony for matrimony, misspoken for mistaken, palimony for patrimony, tough in … Continue reading

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New Music 130413c

Got back into creating music. 130413c is an edited free improv work. Go to to listen to this and 478 other original pieces of music I have created. This song made the charts today   130413c # 88 in … Continue reading

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Alcoholism in n-Dimensions

[from the award-winning video, The Creative Adventure] Although typographically you might think I was drunk when I wrote this poem, I was quite sober. I had been reading the poems of e. e. cummings and was paying attention to his use … Continue reading

Posted in Digitial Art, Poetry, Psychiatry | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Comments on the video, “Light”

My friend Don Yanacito, who is an instructor in the film department at the University of Colorado gave me this feedback on my video, “Light”: John, I took a look.  It puts me in an interesting conundrum.  I’m in awe … Continue reading

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Negative Spaces

[This article was first published in Young, J. “Negative Spaces,” The Journal of Creative Behavior Volume 16, Number 4 1982 and later included as a chapter in my book,  Therapeutic Awareness and Creative Expression.  I find it still has relevance.] NEGATIVE … Continue reading

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Path not taken, taken

Some recent poems are taking the path not taken. I have been writing new poems, broken moon, mining, trying to dig deeper into random sets of words that pop into consciousness. I take the sets of words that surprise me … Continue reading

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I was struck by the light shimmering so I decided to create a video and add 120320, an emotion pad music piece I had done earlier.

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Broken Moon

I saw a broken moon over a broken heart in a broken village too soon to bare the surprise of seeing you there apart at least alive being there over and over tough going there then not going there broken … Continue reading

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130402 abstract

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