Author Archives:

Around the Subject I and II

[More on “The Fall,” MS, and falling] round and round,  summer, fall, winter,  sp(ring  around the rosy)  poets recycle (pocket full of posy) life and dea[r]th sentences– no period  at the end my men(o)pause no periods no point (ashes, ashes) stuck, … Continue reading

Posted in Digitial Art, Poetry, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

After “The Fall*”

[Updated version of an older poem]   Jean-Baptiste, judge un-penitent, Tied are we to your covenant. Like mariner with wedding guest, You cleave us to y(our soul’s unrest. Our negative spaces, where water, now land. Seduced by your traces, we’re … Continue reading

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My Little Butterfly

My Little Butterfly This cruel/hopeful poem written 20 years ago during treatment with cancer drugs, high doses of steroids and reverse isolation for multiple sclerosis when Diane became a quadriplegic was prophetic at the time.  She became beautiful again and was … Continue reading

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This collection of notebooks, written parallel to my 30 years of practice in psychiatry, is a diverse collection of works ranging from serious poetry, light verse and doggerel, to epigrams, cartoons, graphics, drawings, paintings, songs and poetic animations.  This series … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Poetry | Comments Off on FORWARD


1  [chapter from Will and Won’t: Autonomy and Creativity Blocks, John G. Young, M.D. Adventures in Creativity Publications] AUTONOMY AND THE CREATIVE PERSONALITY To become original creators, artists present themselves and their unique points of view. They go beyond the … Continue reading

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Snow Garden

Snow Garden near a stream snow covers/creates a garden future flowers bloom a young doe wakes from sleep snow colors down

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This video, “Colorblind” is part of the Gift Rapt video, a documentary of a my one man art show at the Andrew Macky Gallery on the University of Colorado campus in Boulder, CO.   “Colorblind” suggests we need to look … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Digitial Art, Music, Paintings, Photography, Video | Comments Off on Colorblind

Live Green

Live Green is a trip through a green Earthday poster, a poem with improvised piano music, video and graphics that suggest ways we can live green and love mother earth.  Winner at the REI film festival in Boulder, CO Live … Continue reading

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Forest Glistens

Posted in Digitial Art, Multimedia, Music, Paintings, Poetry | Comments Off on Forest Glistens

Cool Wave

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