Category Archives: Adventures in Creativity

130818 Sonnet and Approach

Sonnet august 18 I wonder where I wandered before I came upon this sonnet of sixteen lines reminds me of updates complex answer to that question misplaced inside my head squandered much the same as sometimes replaced by jargon instead … Continue reading

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Appropriation by jgyoungmd

I recently went to a discussion of the Cut & Paste art show at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art. “Collage as a form of artistic expression dates back as far as images on paper could be cut out, reassembled, … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Books, Collage, Inventions, Paintings, Poetry | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Appropriation by jgyoungmd

Your Creative Adventure: Sailing into the New Wind

[I found the text to a Toastmaster’s talk I gave at the end of the last century which won the local contest and sent me to the regionals. It still has relevance.]  Your Creative Adventure: Sailing into the New Wind … Continue reading

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Footnote on “Footnote to Jaspers*”

Footnote to Jaspers don’t just float, dance with death, listen to the music of the silence, let your life be a grace note not a space note (taking up…) no, dance with death, it’s anyone’s guess what’s behind the veil, … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, philosophy, Poetry, Psychiatry | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Thought Cycle

Spring water words bubble from beneath the mud of my mind cascade over rocky starts, then swell into airy summer delights in the full acceptance of the day–   Too soon they fall in the afternoon as afterthoughts, cliched leavings … Continue reading

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110828 Boulder Creek Path

I did this unedited free improv on my six foot Kawai grand piano on November 8, 2011 and the spring video shot of the Boulder Creek Path with a 42x optical lens on May 22, 2013. I like how the … Continue reading

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My Poetry and Music Creations

Being both a poet and musician, I find many interesting similarities in the ways I create both. What Charles Olsen (Poetry New York No. 3, 1950) calls projective [breath-related] poetry writing vs. non-projective [closed verse], “line, syllable, image, sound, sense, … Continue reading

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New Video Organization at

I have totally rearranged my video site of 130 videos into more usable categories so you can go directly to stuff you like Recent Uploads, Popular Uploads, Features Videos, Music, Poetry, Paintings, Animations, Digital Art. There is some overlap but … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Animations, Digitial Art, Multimedia, Music, Paintings, Poetry, Video | Comments Off on New Video Organization at


I uploaded a new music piece, 130419, yesterday on It was so much fun creating. Listen with head phones to best appreciate the spacial dimension of the music. I created it beginning by improvising on two keyboards simultaneously. Then … Continue reading

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sometimes magic happens when a magician pulls a rabbit out of a hat or makes a lady disappear sometimes magic happens such that you wonder what’s next and he pulls a coin from behind your ear sometimes magic happens when … Continue reading

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