Category Archives: Adventures in Creativity

Comments on the video, “Light”

My friend Don Yanacito, who is an instructor in the film department at the University of Colorado gave me this feedback on my video, “Light”: John, I took a look.  It puts me in an interesting conundrum.  I’m in awe … Continue reading

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Negative Spaces

[This article was first published in Young, J. “Negative Spaces,” The Journal of Creative Behavior Volume 16, Number 4 1982 and later included as a chapter in my book,  Therapeutic Awareness and Creative Expression.  I find it still has relevance.] NEGATIVE … Continue reading

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Path not taken, taken

Some recent poems are taking the path not taken. I have been writing new poems, broken moon, mining, trying to dig deeper into random sets of words that pop into consciousness. I take the sets of words that surprise me … Continue reading

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1  [chapter from Will and Won’t: Autonomy and Creativity Blocks, John G. Young, M.D. Adventures in Creativity Publications] AUTONOMY AND THE CREATIVE PERSONALITY To become original creators, artists present themselves and their unique points of view. They go beyond the … Continue reading

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This video, “Colorblind” is part of the Gift Rapt video, a documentary of a my one man art show at the Andrew Macky Gallery on the University of Colorado campus in Boulder, CO.   “Colorblind” suggests we need to look … Continue reading

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The White House

This video poem, The White House, from “Poems at an Exhibition” references filling negative spaces with sunshine.  We need to be open to possibility, to let the light in, to be creative.

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   Rear view mirrors are wonderful for seeing how close cars are behind you. But they can be a serious hazard. I often think car companies can’t see the forest for the trees. Because I am tall, the standard location of the … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Digitial Art, Inventions, Poetry | 1 Comment

Color Juggling

Sometimes I play with concepts as I did in this conceptual art piece. This concrete poetry–fun with letters and concepts first appeared in my video, The Creative Adventure.

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