Category Archives: Animations

After After the Fall*

  Jean-Baptiste, judge un-penitent, Tied are we to your covenant. Like mariner with wedding guest, You cleave us to y(our soul’s unrest. Our negative spaces, where water, now land. Seduced by your traces, we’re Amsterdammed. *by Albert Camus * Doublet{s[(I)n]} … Continue reading

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What is T?

T.S. Elliot’s first name but no waste land? A drink, a ceremony, a time of contemplation? A shirt to wear with jeans? What is T?  Two lines at cross purposes? A cover for Ph.D.s arguing two angles, both of them right? … Continue reading

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The Tragic Comedy of Zen

Tea John G. Young, M.D. In the beginning was the word St John, the Divine In the beginning was the word(play st) john, the not so Divine   The teacher said, “That’s it.” But there’s more . . The T)ea)cher … Continue reading

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Dual keyboard free improv creation, 130516b, is set to relaxing cloud movement just above the trees. The poem preceded it by many years. For purchase of the music of the windchimed [not “The act of smoking a banana stoggey, black … Continue reading

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New Video Organization at

I have totally rearranged my video site of 130 videos into more usable categories so you can go directly to stuff you like Recent Uploads, Popular Uploads, Features Videos, Music, Poetry, Paintings, Animations, Digital Art. There is some overlap but … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Animations, Digitial Art, Multimedia, Music, Paintings, Poetry, Video | Comments Off on New Video Organization at

Live Green

Live Green is a trip through a green Earthday poster, a poem with improvised piano music, video and graphics that suggest ways we can live green and love mother earth.  Winner at the REI film festival in Boulder, CO Live … Continue reading

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This video project was stimulated by a recent trip to the Denver Art Museum’s new Hamilton addition. Those who go there might also be interested in an article in Brain magazine: Visual vertigo: symptom assessment, spatial orientation and postural control

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Cage Color Three

This is the third of the graphic responses to my free piano improv

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Cage Color Two

This piano improv music video continues Cage Color One.

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