Category Archives: Books

Odds and Ends By John G. Young, M.D.

Cover Paintings by John G. Young, M.D. Now available in paperback, this collection of poems was written over several years in the 1990s and early 2000s. They did not fit into any particular category, so the title, “Odds and Ends.” … Continue reading

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Appropriation by jgyoungmd

I recently went to a discussion of the Cut & Paste art show at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art. “Collage as a form of artistic expression dates back as far as images on paper could be cut out, reassembled, … Continue reading

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Negative Spaces

[This article was first published in Young, J. “Negative Spaces,” The Journal of Creative Behavior Volume 16, Number 4 1982 and later included as a chapter in my book,  Therapeutic Awareness and Creative Expression.  I find it still has relevance.] NEGATIVE … Continue reading

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This collection of notebooks, written parallel to my 30 years of practice in psychiatry, is a diverse collection of works ranging from serious poetry, light verse and doggerel, to epigrams, cartoons, graphics, drawings, paintings, songs and poetic animations.  This series … Continue reading

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John G. Young, M.D. (jgyoungmd) is a retired board certified psychiatrist who has had a special interest in creative functioning and psychological fitness and has been creating in various media all his life. In 1990 he founded Associated Psychiatric Services … Continue reading

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Evolutionary Creativity: Selection in the Creative Process

My hard drive crashed today so I decided to put online some of my e-books: Click on the link below for the first of many: In this series of essays John G. Young, M.D., a board certified psychiatrist, returns to his … Continue reading

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Re-contexting is an important part of the creative process.  I began to sort these ideas in this recent publication stimulated by a proposal for an exhibition I was planning at the Macky Art Gallery.  They changed the format for the … Continue reading

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Back to blogging

Since the last blog last year, I reached 90 videos on, got juried into art shows at Open Studios, Core Art Gallery “Wordplay” show, the Louisville National Fine Arts Show and have had two one man shows at Studio … Continue reading

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Negotiating Rapture

You may be familiar with Martin Buber’s “I and Thou.” Though I am not a religious person, what he says rings true to me. He says we experience the transcendent through the I-Thou relationship. Most understand the Thou as being … Continue reading

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