Category Archives: Digitial Art

Alcoholism in n-Dimensions

[from the award-winning video, The Creative Adventure] Although typographically you might think I was drunk when I wrote this poem, I was quite sober. I had been reading the poems of e. e. cummings and was paying attention to his use … Continue reading

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130402 abstract

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Chair 7

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Square 2

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Blue 3

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Home For?

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Chair 2

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What is T?

  What is T? T.S. Elliot’s first name but no waste land? A drink, a ceremony,  a time of contemplation? A shirt to wear with jeans? What is T?  Two lines at cross purposes? A cover for Ph.D.s  arguing two angles, both of … Continue reading

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In the beginning was the word  St John, the Divine In the beginning was the word(play st) john, the not so Divine   A certain novice asked his teacher how to become enlightened. The teacher suggested they have some tea. … Continue reading

Posted in Digitial Art, Poetry | 1 Comment