Category Archives: Multimedia

Snow Garden

Snow Garden near a stream snow covers/creates a garden future flowers bloom a young doe wakes from sleep snow colors down

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Forest Glistens

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Cool Wave

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Night Drift

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Blue Eclipse

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The White House

This video poem, The White House, from “Poems at an Exhibition” references filling negative spaces with sunshine.  We need to be open to possibility, to let the light in, to be creative.

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This music video, 130305, I did today, March 5, 2013, playing around with images created with  different apps on my cellphone. The music was also improvised and recorded on my Note 2.

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Color Juggling

Sometimes I play with concepts as I did in this conceptual art piece. This concrete poetry–fun with letters and concepts first appeared in my video, The Creative Adventure.

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Digitial Art, Multimedia, Poetry, Video | Comments Off on Color Juggling

130301 Music for March

This music improv was recorded placing my note2 on the grand piano. The images and video also were done on the cell phone. What a wonderful age for creating.  

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