Category Archives: Multimedia

Cage Color Three

This is the third of the graphic responses to my free piano improv

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Cage Color Two

This piano improv music video continues Cage Color One.

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Sublime Suite jgyoungmd

In this multimedia video the music preceded the video, then the poems. After creating the video I remembered a poem, Sublime, I wrote when I asked a patient how she was feeling which reminded me of the Basho poem.  The … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Animations, Digitial Art, Multimedia, Music, Poetry | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Sublime Suite jgyoungmd

Snow Garden: multimedia video poem by jgyoungmd

This video poem originated in our backyard at 1709 Hillside Rd in Boulder.    It is a different kind of flower garden in the middle of the snow.  The video poem falls later as does the snow. Snow Garden near … Continue reading

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31 sec. “This is a picture in a picture; a phrase within a phrase.” Brief bracketing of audio and video in this performance piece; my wife calls this “tongue in cheek” production my “infantile regression.”  I wanted to put it … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Multimedia, Performance piece, philosophy, Video | Comments Off on P.I.P.

Slice Two video by jgyoungmd

(4 min.) This digital re-mix continues slicing. This time you become gradually aware that a four-sided pyramid placed in front of moving images is imperceptibly sliced. Beneath the very thin images other hidden slices move to their own beat, the Unconscious becomes Conscious. … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Collage, Innovations, Multimedia, Music, Paintings, Video | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Slice Two video by jgyoungmd

Slice One

This digital re-mix might be called “The Creative Adventure” meets “I Ching – the Book of Changes.” I took original paintings, collages and graphic images from my two-hour video, The Creative Adventure, and sliced and spliced them into a video … Continue reading

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