Category Archives: Paintings

Recent Watermedia Abstractions

[nggallery id=1]

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New Header Image

I created a new header image for this blog cropping from a recent abstract painting.  Can you guess which one?

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Odds and Ends By John G. Young, M.D.

Cover Paintings by John G. Young, M.D. Now available in paperback, this collection of poems was written over several years in the 1990s and early 2000s. They did not fit into any particular category, so the title, “Odds and Ends.” … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Paintings, Poetry | 1 Comment

Appropriation by jgyoungmd

I recently went to a discussion of the Cut & Paste art show at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art. “Collage as a form of artistic expression dates back as far as images on paper could be cut out, reassembled, … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Books, Collage, Inventions, Paintings, Poetry | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Appropriation by jgyoungmd

New Video Organization at

I have totally rearranged my video site of 130 videos into more usable categories so you can go directly to stuff you like Recent Uploads, Popular Uploads, Features Videos, Music, Poetry, Paintings, Animations, Digital Art. There is some overlap but … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Animations, Digitial Art, Multimedia, Music, Paintings, Poetry, Video | Comments Off on New Video Organization at


This video, “Colorblind” is part of the Gift Rapt video, a documentary of a my one man art show at the Andrew Macky Gallery on the University of Colorado campus in Boulder, CO.   “Colorblind” suggests we need to look … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Digitial Art, Music, Paintings, Photography, Video | Comments Off on Colorblind

Forest Glistens

Posted in Digitial Art, Multimedia, Music, Paintings, Poetry | Comments Off on Forest Glistens

Cool Wave

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Night Drift

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