Three Chairs


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I woke up to


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Innovation in Psychiatry Practices

I am now retired, but when I moved to Boulder CO in 1997, I changed my practice so that I could be more efficient and effective.

“I changed from writing notes in the chair, to touch typing at the computer as the patient was speaking to me. I type very fast and can keep my attention on the patient while so doing. I use extensive checklists so that the recording process is simplified, and I can focus more on the patient, rather than taking long notes that said the same things. The immediate recording also is better than trying to recall exactly what was said at the end of the session.  Patients are amazed that I can quote back to them what they said in previous sessions.

I have ready access to the internet on a DSL line for information about their conditions and treatment, and to programs that can tell if the medications they were already on might interact with any new psychiatric drugs I might consider using with them.  Often their own physicians were not aware of some of the interactions the programs turned up. I print up the information right at the time they are present, so they can take the information to their physicians.

When patients need copies of their records sent to other physicians, I fax or email them by a few strokes on the computer, rather than the time-consuming practice of tearing the chart apart so that each page could be faxed off.

Finally when the patient is ready to leave, the prescription information in the chart is printed out.  The patients and the pharmacy can easily read the prescription to them, rather than try to decipher hen scratches. I emboss the copy in a similar manner to a notary which the pharmacies accepts.  They make less mistakes because they can easily read the prescription.  At the same time the copy of the prescription goes automatically into my Kyocera PDA–cell phone, so if a patient or pharmacy calls after-hours I know exactly what medications patients are on and the amounts they are prescribed.” 1999

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Rear view mirrors are wonderful for seeing how close cars are behind you. But they can be a serious hazard. I often think car companies can’t see the forest for the trees.

Because I am tall, the standard location of the rear view mirror often blocks my vision of cars to my right. More than once I have pulled out from a stop sign only to find another car pop out from behind my mirror. It has resulted in many close calls.

I realized that to overcome this problem, a new kind of mirror had to be invented. Thus the “Two Way Rear View Mirror”. Since the common theme to the video, The Creative Adventure, is love, represented by the heart, I thought a transparent pattern of hearts in the mirror would be a good way to keep my love and myself alive. Of course, other patterns could be used.

This concept is relevant psychologically too.  If you are always looking backward, you fail to see what is ahead of you.

* From “The Creative Adventure, Part Two: Birth and Rebirth”

bs2 bs1

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Back to Logic

I decided to go back to Logic and create some polyphonic music (130307b). Check it out at There are now over 475 pieces of original music on that site.

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This music video, 130305, I did today, March 5, 2013, playing around with images created with  different apps on my cellphone. The music was also improvised and recorded on my Note 2.

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Color Juggling

Sometimes I play with concepts as I did in this conceptual art piece. This concrete poetry–fun with letters and concepts first appeared in my video, The Creative Adventure.

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130301 Music for March

This music improv was recorded placing my note2 on the grand piano. The images and video also were done on the cell phone. What a wonderful age for creating.


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Just learning

I have been learning how to publish material on my new site: and connect it to my facebook presence.  Wordpress has some conveniences of publishing, but the modified blog format has its challenges and how the two interconnect is a learning process.

John G. Young, M.D. (jgyoungmd)

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