Older Watercolors

These are some older watercolors I did back in the 70’s and 80’s.               

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Painting used for Amy and Joel’s wedding innvitation June 23, 2012.  It was also incorporated into the video, AmyJoel.

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John G. Young, M.D. (jgyoungmd) is a retired board certified psychiatrist who has had a special interest in creative functioning and psychological fitness and has been creating in various media all his life. In 1990 he founded Associated Psychiatric Services in New Smyrna Beach, Florida after moving from Denver, Colorado where he practiced since 1974. In June 1997 Dr. Young moved to Boulder, CO to get better services for his seriously hearing-impaired daughter. He was medical director at Boulder Behavior Health and had a private practice in Boulder, CO. before he retired 2006. He currently lives in New Smyrna Beach, Florida.
Dr. Young has a varied background with the arts permeating his other studies. He took piano lessons episodically from grammar school to after his psychiatric residency. He was first in his class in the first two years at the University of Massachusetts School of Engineering. In his junior year he transferred to the School of Liberal Arts where he graduated Magna cum Laude with Honors in Philosophy. The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry gave him a four-year full tuition scholarship. While in medical school he began oil painting. After he completing the psychiatry residency program at the University of Colorado in 1974, he was appointed to the adjunct faculty at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and also began writing poetry and articles on creativity.
Dr. Young is the author of many books and articles on the creative process and person. He is an accomplished artist, a published poet, a contemporary improv pianist and composer, an inventor, a professional speaker, and a seminar/workshop leader. He has taught classes on creativity, innovation and change at the University of Colorado and was an adjunct professor with the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Creativity at Metropolitan State College, in Denver, Colorado.
He has been invited to present at the “Creative Problem Solving Institute,” Buffalo, N.Y., the “Creativity and Madness” conference, Maui, Hawaii, the “Design Management Conference,” Martha’s Vineyard, Mass, and the “Imagination and Innovation in Litigation Symposium” at Vail. He has had international clients as well as Coors, Proctor and Gamble, Colorado Mountain College, Public Service of Colorado, AT&T and banks, restaurants, hospitals and mental health centers.
The Creative Adventure, a two-hour video, created and produced by Dr. Young, won The International Cindy Award, The Telly Award, and The Communicator Award. In this video, Dr. Young develops the original conception that love is essential to creative functioning. He shows you how to develop maximum effectiveness using creative and innovative approaches. To market this project Dr. Young established ADVENTURES IN CREATIVITY, INC. in 1996 and set up a website, www.adventuresincreativity.net, that won the Golden Web Award.  Since moving to Boulder, CO he has been very active at the University of Colorado in the film and art departments. He completed the DVD, Poems at an Exhibition about coping with disability, a whimsical 75 minute video, Word Salad: Creativity and Madness with Foxes, Deer, Ducks and Chickens and one about a one-man art show at Macy Auditorium called  Gift Rapt.
Since he retiring from seeing private psychiatric patients in 2006, his current focus is creating new media, multimedia art and publishing the non-narrative, abstract music and poetry videos at www.youtube.com/jgyoungmd, www.soundclick.com/jgyoungmd, and www.jgyoungmd.pixels.com.
Artist’s Statement and Resume
New Media/multimedia
My creative adventure in art is one of constant exploration of different disciplines, new media, new techniques, new styles and different subject matter. Since moving back to Boulder, my current emphasis is on new media, multimedia productions.  I create music free improv on several keyboards, edit the work in Logic Pro X and use Final Cut Pro to combine moving graphic or photographic images I have created on my cell phone and laptop computer along with parts of paintings I have done in the past. The image work is often multilayered like the music. As a new media, multimedia artist, I do free improv and compose using various computer software going where music idea takes me with no specific genre in mind much like creating a non-objective abstract painting. I then upload my music to www.soundclick.com/jgyoungmd or incorporate the music and/or poems into videos at www.youtube.com/jgyoungmd.
More recently I have been creating with software instruments, sometimes using chance like John Cage, and then rearranging the music as I do with my abstract paintings.  At other times I break up the improvisation and edit it in various ways, often altering the original piece greatly using Logic and/or Sonar software. I call these free improv creations. This free improv musical diary is coded by year, month, day, songs on that day eg. 180702 and often some kind of descriptor.

I begin by improvising on two keyboards simultaneously. Then with the raw data recorded by midi on Logic Pro X software, I break up the piece into sections, A,B,C, etc. Next I correct errors, change the timing, eliminate parts that don’t work, and craft the sections together, repeating and/or changing sections. I take the initial two or three keyboard inputs, and multiply the lines into other software instruments. I then rearrange the music like I do with an abstract painting all the time listening to what works and what does not. I use a software orchestra of various sound waves, filters, distortions, reverbs. Then I mix it all together, bounce the piece down and upload it to http://www.soundclick.com/jgyoungmd or use in a video I create using Final Cut Pro that I upload to http://www.youtube.com/jgyoungmd

This free improv musical diary is coded by year, month, day, songs on that day eg. 111202 b. By going to the upper right hand corner, you can listen to well over 690 original pieces of the music on Sound Click. I randomize the listings periodically to make listening more interesting over time.
In painting my work has varied from traditional landscapes and seascapes to more contemporary figurative, abstract and graphic works. I had been exploring painting abstractions on paper, canvas and board. I have been imprinting, using resists, collage, scratching, flowing paint, glazing and having all sorts of fun.  More recently I have been creating images with my cellphone or laptop and later editing them on my computer.
Artist Collaboration
Betty DeMaree, A.W.S., Bob Wood, A.W.S., Edgar Whitney, A.W.S., Virginia Cobb, A.W.S., Poly Hammond, A.W.S., Carol Barnes, A.W. S., Louise Cadillac, A.W.S., Phil Steel at the Denver Art Institute, and Mark Daley at the Loveland Art Institute.
Classes at the Jewish Community Center, the University of Denver and the University of Colorado.
Artemis Gallery, Denver, Colorado, the Heart Gallery, Denver, Colorado, the Patio Gallery, Georgetown, Colorado, the Foothills Art Center, Golden, Colorado, the Summit Gallery, Dillon, Colorado, ART Mart Galleries, Boulder, Colorado, with the Heritage Art Guild in Colorado and the Ellenkathryn Gallery in Boulder, Colorado.
One man shows at Colorado Federal Savings Bank , Zack’s Restaurant in Denver, Colorado, the EllenKathryn gallery, the Studio Two Gallery at Rembrandt Yard in Boulder, CO, the Core New Art Space Gallery Annex, Colorado Department of Labor executive suite, and the Andrew J. Macky Gallery at the University of Colorado.
Juried into the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, the Best of Colorado Art Festival, the Energy show at St. John’s Art Gallery, Open Studios in Boulder, CO, The Louisville National Fine Arts Show, The Core New Art Space Gallery, The Core “Word Play” exhibit, and the Rocky Mountain National Watermedia Show.
I use photos as source material for my painting and videos and as separate unique pieces of art. For example, taking photographs of flowers, I study their color, shape and up-close translucence to light. I enjoy the interaction of one flower against another and the shadows they throw upon each other. The shapes the color and shadows set up strong designs that read as well from 50 yards as up close. I take my own photographs usually early in the morning when the sun shines through our windows illuminating the bouquets on the dinning room table. Sometimes I use the black chairs as a background which sets off the backlighting. I love the translucence thus created. Other times I take close up pictures from the gardens around the city. The photographs themselves are works of art; the paintings take them a step further.
I have written over 300 poems, many of them have been published in literary magazines, on the web, and published four books of poetry available at http://www.lulu.com/jgyoungmd The poems are a diverse collection of works ranging from serious poetry, light verse and doggerel, to epigrams, cartoons, and multimedia presentations. More recently I have combined the poems with art works and videos. and did a poetry/photographic memoir to my wife who recently died, called “D”: A life of Courage and Love.
Poetry Publications
The Denver Post, Poetry Forum: “Back seat Driven,” “Sublime,” “Fear of Crying,” “Timid Tiger,” “Hard to Take Taking,” “Hardly a Bouquet,” “For the Birds.”
The Emissary “Blindspots,” “Around the Subject,” “Birdfeeder”
Gumbo: “On the Need for Biofeedback Therapy”
The Foothills Flyer: “Bad Debts,” “Therapy Duel/t,” “After the Fall,” “Pictures at a Sidewalk Show,” “End Enough”
Psychiatric Opinion: “Manic-Panic,” “Therapist’s Waiting Room,” “Fearful Motivation,” “Alcoholism in n-Dimensions,” “Therapy Duel/t,” “Dream Maker,” “Lost Present.”
Second Page: “Like a Diamond,” “Half Whole”
The Blue Unicorn: “Expired Verse”
Trail and Timberline: “Thoughts from my window”
Accepted for publication with paintings Kaleidoscope: Exploring the Experience of Disability through Literature and the Fine Arts: Cabin 9; Shades of Blue, At the Marina, Shopping for Jewels, Falling for Godot.
“Manic Panic,” “Alcoholism, “Token Economy Ward” and “Bad Debts” have been accepted for publication in a book of poetry written by psychotherapists.
D”: A life of Courage and Love, a poetry/photographic memoir to my wife who recently died
Books and Articles
I also have written 31  books and eBooks on the creative process which you can explore at http://www.lulu.com/jgyoungmd. Many articles on creative functioning have also been published in J. Creative Behavior.
More recently I have been creating with software instruments, sometimes using chance like John Cage, and then rearranging the music as I do with my abstract paintings.  At other times I break up the improvisation and edit it in various ways, often altering the original piece greatly using Logic and Sonar software. I call these free improv creations.

I begin by improvising on two keyboards simultaneously. Then with the raw data recorded by midi on Logic software, I break up the piece into sections, A,B,C, etc. Next I correct errors, change the timing, eliminate parts that don’t work, and craft the sections together, repeating and/or changing sections. I take the initial two or more keyboard inputs, and multiply the lines into other software instruments. I then rearrange the music like I do with an abstract painting all the time listening to what works and what does not. I use a software orchestra of various sound waves, filters, distortions, reverbs. Then I mix it all together, bounce the piece down and upload it to http://www.soundclick.com/jgyoungmd or use in a video I create using Final Cut Pro that I upload to http://www.youtube.com/jgyoungmd
I took private lessons from Richard Edgner of the Eastman School of Music, Mark Bretz, Brian Golden and Harold Blanchard. I spontaneously improvise on the piano. I began composing and creating the music, Invitation, Love Duet and Ballad of Joe and Mary for the award-winning video, The Creative Adventure with the assistance of Harold Blanchard. I spontaneously improvised the background to the audiotape series, Wellness and Psychological Fitness as well as all the new videos music background. I am a past member of the Denver Musicians Association.
The original music is recorded in my home studio on a Kawai grand piano or on my two keyboards simultaneously. The music evolves from the first notes I play on the piano. Like a conversation with the piano, I listen and something new is suggested. Sometimes the piece is built on specific chord changes like a jazz musician improvising. But most of time I spontaneously compose the piece based on motifs I invent and chord sequences I create. Each time I attempt to do something a little different from the last time. Like speaking with a friend, nothing is pre-planned but evolves through careful listening. Over time I have developed a specific music vocabulary and grammar that has become my piano signature
There are over 690 original pieces of music that I have created and can be heard at www.Soundclick.com/jgyoungmd.
The Creative Adventure This two-hour video created with Rusty Crawford, who had a production studio in New Smyrna Beach won the International CINDY award, the Telly Award and the Communicator Award.
Poems at an Exhibition, (45 min.) evolved from a one-man show at the EllenKathryn gallery. What started as a documentary of a one-man art show becomes a video poem on disability. In this work I blended my art, poetry, animation, and music into a creative autobiographic documentary of my family’s attempts to cope with disability. My wife has multiple sclerosis, my daughter is hearing impaired, even the dog is mostly blind. This multi-media presentation shows how we try to overcome the challenges of loss, pain, rejection, and despair with laughter, courage and love.
This DVD was very positively reviewed by Stephen Howard, M.D. in the Summer 2010 issue of Voices: The art and science of psychotherapy
Word Salad: Creativity and Madness with Foxes, Deer, Ducks and Chickens.(75 min.)  won the Accolade Award. A much earlier version of Word Salad was juried into the Core Art Gallery Word Play show as a video installation.
There are over 190 video shorts by Dr. Young on www.YouTube.com/jgyoungmd.
Curriculum Vitae Other than Art, Music, Poetry or Video
1954-1958 North Quincy High School, eighth in a graduating class of 221
1958-1962 University of Massachusetts. First in the engineering class for two years, then transferred to the philosophy department. Graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, Magna cum Laude with Honors in Philosophy.
1962-1963 University of Massachusetts, Special Student in the graduate school. Taught zoology laboratories and received premed credits.
1963-1965 University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Four year full tuition scholarship.
1965-1966 University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Year-out Fellow in Pathology
1966 Summer fellowship at the Cancer Institute in Lima, Peru
1966-1968 University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, clinical years.
1968 Received M.D. degree
1968-1969 Rochester General Hospital, Rotating Internship, focusing on psychiatry and medicine. Two months spent at Strong Memorial University Hospital, Rochester, N.Y.
1969-1970 University of Colorado Medical Center, Psychiatry Residency
1970-1972 USNR Olando, Fl.
1972-1974 University of Colorado Medical Center, Psychiatry Residency
1958 National Honor Society
1959 Phi Eta Sigma, Freshman Honor Society. Office of president and ran its tutoring program
1962 Four-year, full-tuition, four-year scholarship to University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
1969 Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners
1976 Certified in Psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neuro1ogy
1996 International Cindy Award, Communicator Award, Telly Award for “The Creative Adventure: Part One, Love and Conception”
1998 Level Two Examiner for Worker’s Compensation in Colorado in psychiatry
Work Experience
1952-1955 Taught sailing, swimming YMCA Day Camp, Quincy, Mass.
1956 Worked with an engineering firm in Roxbery, MA.
1957-1962 Taught swimming and lifesaving, Mason’s Island Yacht Club, rescued and saved a 3 y.o. girl
1970-1972 USNR Orlando, Florida. Lt. Commander
1974-1978 Practice of psychiatry, Denver, CO
1974 Clinical instructor in psychiatry, University of Colorado Medical Center
1977 to present. Consultant, speaker, seminar/workshop leader on creativity, innovation and change
1978-1983 Consultant in psychiatry at the Denver VA Hospital and the Ft. Lyon VA Hospital
1978-1980 Consultant in psychiatry to the Alamosa Mental Health Center, Alamosa, CO
1983 to 2006 Private practice in psychiatry
1984 Feb-Sept. Inpatient psychiatrist 7/8 time at the Denver VA Hospital
1986-1987 Part-time psychiatrist, Adams Community Mental Health Center, Westminster, CO
1989-1990 Psychiatric Consultant for the Parkside Lodge, Thornton, Colorado
1990-1997 Founded Associated Psychiatric Services in New Symrna Beach, FL.
1990-1991 Medical staff at Atlantic Shores Hospital, Daytona, FL
1990-1991 Part-time psychiatrist for the ACT Corporation Community Mental Health program.
1990 Adjunct Professor, Behavioral Sciences Program at Daytona College
1990 Consultant to the Steward Alcohol Treatment Center’s dual diagnosis program
1990-1997 Medical staff at Fish Hospital in New Smyrna Beach.
1990-1996 Medical staff at West Volusia Memorial Hospital, Deland
1992-1993 Psychiatric evaluation and treatment at the Volusia County Branch Jail.
1994-1995 Medical Staff at Volusia Medical Center, Orange City, FL
1997 to present President of ADVENTURES IN CREATIVITY
1997 to 2006 Private practice in psychiatry in Boulder, CO
1997 to 1998 Psychiatrist at Adams Community Mental Health Center
1998 to 1999 Psychiatrist at the Larimer County Mental Health Center
1998 to 2006 Medical Director, Boulder Behavioral Health,
1999 to 2006 Medical staff at Boulder Community Hospital
2000 to 2006 Private practice at 1709 Hillside Rd, Boulder, CO full time
2001 to 2006 Advisory Boards for Lilly, Shire US and Forest Pharmaceuticals
Publications on Creativity
      • “Feature Artist: John Young.” presented in “The Heritage Fine Arts Guild Newsletter.” Vol. 7, No. 6. February 1979.
      • “Negative Spaces“, Journal of Creative Behavior, Vol. 16, Number 4, Fourth Quarter, 1982 pp. 256-264.
      • “Psychic Freedom, in Creative Persons”, Journal of Creative Behavior, Vol. 15, Number 3,Third Quarter, 1981, pp. 179-182.
      • “Conflict and Artistic Creativity“, Journal of Creative Behavior, Vol. 15, Number 2, Second Quarter, 1981, pp. 99-101.
      • “Sexual and ‘Conceptual Creativity” Journal of Creative Behavior Vol. 18, No. 4 1984
      • “Creativity,” by Diane Hartman. Dr. John G. Young was featured in the “Contemporary” section of the Sunday Denver Post, February 14, 1982.
      • “Toward a Definition of Creativity,” MD Vol. 26 No. l, Jan, 1982 p. 27 ff.
      • “What is Creativity? Journal of Creative Behavior Vol. 19, No. 2 p. 27 ff.
    • “Self Expression and Creative Expression,” The American Music Teacher, April/May 1986, pp. 32-33.
    • S.E.L.E.C.T:CREATIVE/INNOVATIVE APPROACHES. Buffalo, N.Y.: Bearly Limited Publications, 1986. [now available at www.lulu.com/jgyoungmd]
    • OPERATING STYLES AND CREATIVE LEADERSHIP. Buffalo, N.Y.: Bearly Limited Publications, 1987. [now available at www.lulu.com/jgyoungmd]
    • EVOLUTIONARY CREATIVITY: Selection in Creativity accepted for publication by the Bearly Limited Publications, Buffalo, NY. [now available at www.lulu.com/jgyoungmd]
    • AWARENESS AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION accepted for publication by the Bearly Limited Publications. [now available at www.lulu.com/jgyoungmd]
    • WILL AND WON’T: Autonomy and Creativity Blocks accepted for publication by the Bearly Limited Publications. [now available at www.lulu.com/jgyoungmd]
      • PARENTING THE CREATIVELY GIFTED accepted for publication by Bearly Limited Publications. [now available at www.lulu.com/jgyoungmd]
    • Keys to Creativity and Innovation 1983 (Accepted for publication by The Philosophical Library)
  • Even more at www.lulu.com/jgyoungmd
Workshops and seminars
1977 Seminar on “Creativity” Heritage Arts Guild
1978 Workshop on Creativity, Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities
1978 Seminars on “Understanding Creativity” at the University of Colorado,
1978 Seminars on “Understanding Creativity” at the Denver Free University
1978 Speaker at Creativity Day at the Foothills Art Center
1979 Speaker at seminar on the “Development of a Goldsmith,” Foothills Art Center
1979 “Human Brain Research.” One of several invited speakers on the Split Brain, University of Colorado at Denver
1981 “Tools for Creativity and Innovative Thinking” two day workshop sponsored by the Southeastern Colorado Area of Health Education Center at Ft. Lyon, CO
1981 “Creativity and Power” Seminar presentation at the Vail National Nurses Chatauqua Conference with Pamula Howard, R.N..
1981 Center for Creativity presentation of 16 seminars at the Denver Free University
1983 “Innovative Thinking for Teachers.” Workshop at Cherry Creek Schools
1983 “Creative Attitudes and Approaches.” Presentation to Greeley Industrial Bank.
1984 “Overcoming the Fear of Success.” Talk at the International Athletic Club.
1984 “Overcoming Creativity Blocks.” Talk with the Denver Allied Artists Guild
1984 “Do It Creatively.” Talk with the Denver Business Network
1984 Guest of Harry Cullis, Commission of Community Relations, City and County of Denver. “Let’s Pull Together” radio show.
1984 “Creative Approaches,” presentation to Mercy Hospital medical education department.
1985 Asked back for another interview on “Let’s Pull Together.”
1985 “How Art Can Inhibit Communication.” Presentation to the Center for Arts Therapy.
1985 “Productivity: Creative/Innovative Approaches.” Workshop with D.O.V.I.A. Directors of Volunteers in Agencies.
1985 “S.E.L.E.C.T. A Creative/Innovative Approach to Problem Solving. ” One-day workshop at Adolph Coors.
1985 “Cognitive Aspects of the Creative Process.” Creativity and Madness, The American Institute of Medical Education presentation in Maui, Hawaii.
1985 “Creativity, Innovation and Change.” Seminars presented in cooperation with Denver Free University
1985 “Creative/Innovative Approaches.” Rocky Mountain Inventor’s Congress.
1985 “Creative Consulting.” University of Colorado Medical Center presentation, Biomedical Statistics Dept.
1985 “Creative Expression and Creative Conflict,” S.E.L.E.C.T. Creative, Innovative Approaches, and Blocks and Breakthroughs in Creativity”-
1985 Presentations as a Resource Leader, Summerfest Creative Problem-Solving Institute, Creative Education Foundation, Buffalo, New York.
1986 “Creativity in Business course” Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Creativity, Metro State College Summer and Fall semesters
1986 Presentation on Creative Problem Solving, Colorado Mountain College, Leadville CO.
1986 Workshop presented to Procter and Gamble’s “Plus 10” task force in Cincinnati,OH in conjunction with the Creative Education Foundation, Buffalo, N.Y.
1986 Talk on Creativity: University of Colorado at Denver Women’s Resource Center
1986 Talk on Creativity: Denver Management Association
1986 “S.E-L-E-C.T-: CREATIVE/INNOVATIVE. APPROACHES.” Presented to psychology interns at Adams Community Mental Health Center.
1986 Talks to numerous Optimist, Kiwanis, Rotary Clubs, the Denver Mensa, Colorado Speakers Showcase on creativity, innovation and change.
1986 ” Parenting the Creatively Gifted.” American CableVision and Adams Country Mental Health Center.
1986 “Creative Approaches to Management.” Summer Management Institute, Vail, CO
1986 “S.E.L.E.C.T CREATIVE/INNOVATIVE APPROACHES.” Design Management Institute, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
1987 “Creativity and Wellness,” Public Service Workshop, Denver, CO
1987 “Creativity and Wellness,” Jefferson County Schools
1987 “Creativity and Psychotherapy,” Aurora Community Mental Health Center
1987 “Creativity,” Arvada Center for the Arts
1987 “Deliberate Creativity” Imagination and Innovation in Litigation, Vail, CO
1990 “Creativity, Innovation and Change” One day workshop in Westminster, CO
1990 Presentation to the Alzheimer’s Support Group, New Smyrna Beach
1992 Presentation to the Multiple Sclerosis Support Group, Volusia County.
1992 “Creativity, Innovation and Change” at the Atlantic Center for the Arts, Harris House.
1999 Social Phobia presentation to Larimer County Mental Health Center
1999 Off label uses of Neurontin, Larimer County presentation.
1999 Stress Reduction and Relaxation presentation, Boulder, CO
2011  Workshop: “Poems at an Exhibition,” at Love Matters, American Academy of Psychotherapists. Santa Fe, NM
Posted on by jgyoungmdaic@gmail.com | 1 Comment



Not to write down

what I’ve discovered,

but to discover

by writing down,


in rational thought,

I venture down

paths of my


to own what I


trying to get lost,

(take that road

less traveled)

not knowing

where I am going,

find unreasonable


soft, death of







mom’s to find

that mother

of hidden


bidden by,

sought by,

the unthought.

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Evolutionary Creativity: Selection in the Creative Process

My hard drive crashed today so I decided to put online some of my e-books:

Click on the link below for the first of many:

Evolutionary Creativity: Selection in the Creative Process

In this series of essays John G. Young, M.D., a board certified psychiatrist, returns to his roots in philosophy to examine the relationships between biological evolution and cognitive evolution. He begins at the beginning, exploring origin myths. Then using general systems theories, he moves through evolution to find similarities of biological change and selection as it points towards a better understanding of creative/innovative approaches.   Evolutionary  Creativity

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Re-contexting is an important part of the creative process.  I began to sort these ideas in this recent publication stimulated by a proposal for an exhibition I was planning at the Macky Art Gallery.  They changed the format for the gallery so I modified this into a photobook about creating.



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caught in a maize corny as it might be round and round till husks come home   (take a closer look)

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Left on the way out
From this room of woes
Pain and suffering
Gram negative rods
From a night of love-
Making the rounds
Of my heart
In a bed
Far from here
Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Multimedia, Photography, Poetry | Comments Off on trash

Guitar tunes sit


In suspense
On tripod stand
No songs to play
Far from being
Succulent soft
Without yesterday
No melodies matching
Emotions finding
Lost memories
On top this island
Of unbegotten dreams

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Red Spot

red spot

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