Crime Scene: video animation, jgyoungmd

This humorous video sketch evolved from watching too much CSI.

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Just Looking

Video, music, animation created all on March 1, 2007

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Begin Again

Sometimes starting over is the best thing you can do

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Many New Videos on YouTube

Since last time I have added several new video shorts. The major addition is animation as I explore new ways of graphic movement in art.

This abstract animation was suggested by the free improvisation of the music I created. To start creating you have to begin

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Sublime Suite jgyoungmd

In this multimedia video the music preceded the video, then the poems. After creating the video I remembered a poem, Sublime, I wrote when I asked a patient how she was feeling which reminded me of the Basho poem.  The order of creating multimedia pieces is not fixed, but changes with the project.


She was feeling
as fine as frog’s hair.
When I attempted to grab
her intent, she slipped
beneath some lily pad
and I lost her hidden there.*

This sublime poem by Basho, translated by Allen Watts, is Japan’s most famous poem.

The old pond
A frog jumps in:

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Animations, Digitial Art, Multimedia, Music, Poetry | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Sublime Suite jgyoungmd

Snow Garden: multimedia video poem by jgyoungmd

This video poem originated in our backyard at 1709 Hillside Rd in Boulder.    It is a different kind of flower garden in the middle of the snow.  The video poem falls later as does the snow.

Snow Garden

near a stream
snow covers

creates a garden
future flowers bloom
a young doe wakes from sleep
snow colors down


Compare other installations of my paintings around Boulder,

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31 sec.
“This is a picture in a picture; a phrase within a phrase.” Brief bracketing of audio and video in this performance piece; my wife calls this “tongue in cheek” production my “infantile regression.”  I wanted to put it on a loop but the technology was not there at the time.

cf. another kind of bracketing from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Bracketing (German: Einklammerung; also called epoché, transcendental reduction, or phenomenological reduction) is a term in the philosophical school ofphenomenology describing the act of suspending judgment about the natural world to instead focus on analysis of experience.

Phenomenology, developed by Edmund Husserl (1859–1938), can be understood as an outgrowth of the influential ideas of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Attempting to resolve some of the key intellectual debates of his era, Kant argued that Noumena (objects of inquiry, investigation or analysis of the workings of the world) must be distinguished from Phenomena (noumenon as experienced and interpreted by the human mind). Kant thus argued that humans can never have direct access to reality, but only to the contents of their minds.

Bracketing involves setting aside the question of the real existence of a contemplated object, as well as all other questions about the object’s physical or objective nature; these questions are left to the natural sciences.

For example, the act of seeing a horse qualifies as an experience, whether one sees the horse in person, in a dream, or in a hallucination. ‘Bracketing’ the horse suspends any judgement about the horse as noumenon, and instead analyses the phenomenon of the horse as constituted in intentional acts.

Bracketing may also be understood in terms of the phenomenological activity it is supposed to make possible: the “unpacking” of phenomena, or, in other words, systematically peeling away their symbolic meanings like layers of an onion until only the thing itself as meant and experienced remains. Thus, one’s subjective intending of the bracketed phenomenon is examined and analyzed in phenomenological purity.

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Slice Two video by jgyoungmd

(4 min.)

This digital re-mix continues slicing. This time you become gradually aware that a four-sided pyramid placed in front of moving images is imperceptibly sliced. Beneath the very thin images other hidden slices move to their own beat, the Unconscious becomes Conscious.

Of interest to the creative process, many of the images were sliced during a computer crash of my hard drive.  I found them interesting so I saved them to use in these “Slice” video.


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Slice One

This digital re-mix might be called “The Creative Adventure” meets “I Ching – the Book of Changes.” I took original paintings, collages and graphic images from my two-hour video, The Creative Adventure, and sliced and spliced them into a video montage. I used custom created filters, accidental juxtapositions and other chance elements in this composition. As a semi-abstract video artist, I began with the whole and worked towards the details, even with the music. This was not a linear process– what was at the beginning ended up in the end or somewhere in the middle.

I find the use of chance in the digital re-mix puts things together in ways I had not anticipated, but I believe the aesthetic dimension is choosing what to keep and what to discard. As Robert Rauschenberg said, “The drips maybe accidental, but I choose which ones to keep.”

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Some changes in my website

I have redesigned my website so that my latest projects and thoughts will be on this blog, and my website, will no longer exist.

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