Stick Figure


Small branch ripped

From larger branch,

Dipped into India ink,

Held arm’s length

From pad draped paper.

Gestures pulled, not pushed,


Over soft undraped shapes–

Linger not


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A cock and a cat

met at a waterhole.

They came for drink,

not I think, to philosophize

or save their souls.

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Fine Art of America Distribution

I am now making painting, digital, and collage images available for purchase as prints in several different forms through Fine Art America at  “”  They even use the images to create shower curtains, duvet covers, and pillows.

Recently I have been painting acrylic abstracts.  I have done over 30 since the beginning of 2016.  Check them out.   Images begin with “16” for the year created.

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Lost images found

This gallery contains 78 photos.

Some of the various styles I explored in the past. Some were sold, others lost, some painted over.  Each I spent some time in happy exploration which seems the point of it all.  

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Best rating on

I was pleased to see one of my music pieces  I posted on had a very high ranking.  This was a simple freely improvised piano piece played on my Kawai Grand Piano.  Sometimes simple is better.  It is good to record everything, you might happen on something special. This is the best ranking I have had. Check it out.

# 32 in World. Total songs: 78,619
# 13 in New Age. Total songs: 13,753
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Nearly 600 original music pieces, jgyoungmd music diary

I just found a DVD of my 2005 mp3 Music Diary.  Although some pieces were longer than the 10 minutes of music allows, there were over 30 pieces of original free improv pieces that I could put up for you on The 2005 pieces start with the “05”. Now there are 590 pieces of original music that I created. Listen in.

You can listen to all of them by clicking the “play all” button on the right side of the large dark grey bar, but you will need several days to hear them all.  I will randomize the order periodically so you can new music in the many different styles I have experimented with.  Much of my recent pieces are dual keyboard improv orchestrations which I have composed into more complex works.

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Color Cliff, Abstract Painting Free Improv

color cliff sm

In painting an abstract or non-objective painting, I take a similar approach of free improvisation that I use in my poetry and  music. I often have not specific idea of what I am going to paint but may use a chance splash of paint on the surface of the board or canvas I am working on to begin with. That splash has many properties, such as color, texture, shape, edges, which start the conversation. I may pay attention to one quality or several at once. Each property suggests alternative responses. With any one I could go off in different directions. But I chose one that looks promising and respond to that. Together these two responses lend to an exponential series of choices. Then the considerations of asymmetrical balances begin. A dark color needs to balance a light area. Textures may contrast with smooth areas. Shape considerations may imply other shape responses in figure/ground relationships.

In painting the Color Cliff above, I was mainly focusing on texture and color. I was trying to develop as many interesting textures as I could to create contrast. Acrylic paint offers many possibilities for texture. Moreover, I was trying to get a variety of shades in the many colors and find contrasts to them. Also I was interested in developing a variety of shapes and sizes of shapes. Random lines also added textural interest.

After I get into a painting I step back and assess it from a different perspective. I do close ups then backups many times during a painting. Stepping back and looking at the work from a distance is an important part of the work. I spend as much time looking and examining the ongoing work. I may turn the paint around 90, 180, and 270 degrees to see if the configuration is better in one direction than another. Often I run into an aesthetic problem. I may as the late watercolor teacher, Edgar Whitney, would say, “What is it too?,” that is, too dark, too light, too busy, too boring, etc.

That is where the fun and the challenge begin. The creative/aesthetic problem is really the beginning of the painting and solving those problems are what interests me. In the Color Cliff painting, it was not working until I realized I had too much texture and I needed a place of calm in the painting. I did not set out to paint a rock formation painting. But when I realized the need for calm, the idea of a flat soft blue that would contrast with all the texture might work, and the aesthetic problem was solved. AHA.

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Baggage Claim

They met in baggage claim.

To be sure, they had baggage,

he, two prior marriages,

she, an abusive one.


It took some time

for the bell to ring

so they talked and talked–

he from Arcadia

she from Boulder.

They both had kids,

he four, she two.

She was the bolder,

offered her number;

she had his. But

he checked to be sure,

called her

the following morning,

much to her delight.


She gave him a tour

of the city

and our bedroom too.

Slept together

many nights while we

were vacationing

in New Smyrna Beach.


Now they live together

in San Diego

where he works

as a chemical engineer.


There was more than baggage

picked up that night.

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Stress Reduction and Relaxation

This stress reduction and relaxation program uses a variety of methods to help you relax.  I created the background music several years ago.  I had sold the program in the past when I was in practice, but decided to offer it now for free.  Many patients swore by its help with their tension and sleep issues.

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Which side is up?

DSCN0342 orange up           a or b                        DSCN0342 orange down

Sometime the context makes for different interpretations of an image.  At other time the orientation of the image itself makes the difference.

Which side should be up?  In my recent non-object abstract painting I was not sure which side should be up.  Sometime the decision makes a big creative difference. What do you think?

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