Tag Archives: deconstructive

Comments on the video, “Light”

My friend Don Yanacito, who is an instructor in the film department at the University of Colorado gave me this feedback on my video, “Light”: John, I took a look.  It puts me in an interesting conundrum.  I’m in awe … Continue reading

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Slice Two video by jgyoungmd

(4 min.) This digital re-mix continues slicing. This time you become gradually aware that a four-sided pyramid placed in front of moving images is imperceptibly sliced. Beneath the very thin images other hidden slices move to their own beat, the Unconscious becomes Conscious. … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Collage, Innovations, Multimedia, Music, Paintings, Video | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Slice Two video by jgyoungmd