Tag Archives: humor

What is T?

T.S. Elliot’s first name but no waste land? A drink, a ceremony, a time of contemplation? A shirt to wear with jeans? What is T?  Two lines at cross purposes? A cover for Ph.D.s arguing two angles, both of them right? … Continue reading

Posted in Animations, Digitial Art, Poetry | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Crime Scene: video animation, jgyoungmd

This humorous video sketch evolved from watching too much CSI.

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Slice Two video by jgyoungmd

(4 min.) This digital re-mix continues slicing. This time you become gradually aware that a four-sided pyramid placed in front of moving images is imperceptibly sliced. Beneath the very thin images other hidden slices move to their own beat, the Unconscious becomes Conscious. … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Creativity, Collage, Innovations, Multimedia, Music, Paintings, Video | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Slice Two video by jgyoungmd